Friday, 1 January 2016

Creating a Classroom Culture for Learning: Well-being (Part 1)

Creating a Classroom Culture for Learning: Put your Oxygen Mask on First.

There are two reasons why airlines tell parents to put their oxygen masks on before their children when in an aeroplane. First, if you are unable to think clearly due to a drop in oxygen, you won't be able to be much help to yourself or your child. Second, if you become anxious, it will cause your child who looks to you to be calm in a crisis to become more anxious.  If you do not have children, substitute them for someone who would require your help in such a situation.

Now swap the aeroplane for your classroom; the teacher is the parent and the children are your students.  To most teachers it may seem like a contradiction to think that by looking after yourself first and foremost, you are looking after your students.  Teacher well-being is so important to ensuring that a culture of learning flourishes in the classroom.  I have mentioned previously about the importance of the teacher in controlling their own classroom climate, and the importance of teacher-student relationships.  How are these likely to be sustained if we let our own well-being deteriorate?

So I urge you to put on your own oxygen mask first when necessary. Your own well being is vital for student success. If common-sense  is not convincing enough then please consider the following:

"Researchers have long known about the infectious nature of stress. Pass-along strain runs rampant in relationships and work settings. Studies have shown that there is "crossover" stress from one spouse to the other, between coworkers, and "spill over" from the work domain to home. The stress contagion effect, as it's known, spreads anxiety like a virus. Our mirror neurons help suck us into the emotional eruptions of others."  1

The potential for your own emotional and mental state to impact on the classroom should be sufficient motivation to care for one’s well-being.  Keep the weather in your classroom fit for learning, don’t be the weather front that brings forth high winds that disrupt the learning environment.

If teachers are to be truly receptive to strategies supporting well-being, then they must embrace a well-being mindset. The first of The Five Pillars of Islam (Shahada) is the belief that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammed is his prophet (PBUH).  The other four are actions.  Actions that you would only complete should you first believe in the Shahada. One of the hardest things for a committed teacher to believe is that occasionally putting his/her own well being first is not selfish but selfless. Once you believe, then hopefully you will act accordingly, and look for opportunities to promote your own well-being.

For the benefit of your students be strong enough to take a break, put yourself first and put your oxygen mask on.


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